Movies provide us the needed entertainment for the weekends or the holidays.Choose the movies that can actually keep you happy or bring in happiness.Most of the movies taken nowadays are action packed with bullets fired every five minutes. Many people love those kind of movies but why not see a comedy movie often?.The comedy movies are filled with humorous actions and they intend to amuse the viewers.These kind of movies can surely change your mood if you are in a bad mood and make you laugh leaving your sorrows and troubles aside.It is said that disease leaves your body if you laugh out loud(lol).

Imitating the actions in the thriller movies is a waste whereas trying be humorous is great and if you are able to make people laugh then you are gifted.The comedy films can induce such a character in you.For instance the Mr.Bean movies and series had great welcome among the people.
The comedy movies have come into existence form early 1890's.The happiness you have after seeing a comedy movie is priceless.I have enjoyed seeing the movie"Harold and Kumar go to white castle" many a times.Leave your sorrows behind and go for a great comedy movie today.
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