The word protein is rooted in the Greek, "protas" which means "of primary importance". Protein plays very important roles like transport and storage of other nutrients, control of growth, immune protection and also provides our body with needed fitness. For any person to build up or grow his muscle by even an inch,he should consume about 30 to 35 percent of his calories from the proteins. It is said that people who exercise should consume around 2.2 gm of protein for every kg of their body weight. So,this comes to around 150 gm of protein for a person weighing 70 kg.Sources of protein include eggs, meats, grains, legumes, milk, beans, soy etc that can be obtained form our day to day diet.
Protein is the second most important nutrient of the body after water. The proteins that we eat is made up of around 20 amino acids "Building blocks". When the protein intake is low, then the body breaks down the lean muscle tissue in order to convert it into amino acids and uses them for energy needs. This catabolism will lead to a fall in the rate at which the calories are burnt which in turn results in higher body fat to muscle ratio. But when the protein intake is too high, then it may lead to dehydration of the body. So body builders who consume high amount of proteins should drink adequate water.Many articles state that it is better for body builders to hydrate themselves every 20 minutes with enough water.