Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins. It has originated from southern Africa and it is a herb similar to vine. There are various Varieties of watermelon like the Yellow watermelon, orangeglo, moon and stars, cream of Saskatchewan, Melitopolski and Dansuke watermelon. Watermelon is the most common among the various types of melons. As a member of the CuCurbitaceae family, the watermelon is related to the cantaloupe,squash and pumpkin that grow on vines on the ground. The shape of watermelons often vary,they may be round,oblong or spherical in shape.

Researchers say that one cup of diced watermelon contains loads of Vitamin A and C, no fat and only 40 calories, the fruit is a winner in the health category. Naturally it is packed with lycopene, an antioxidant which may aid in the prevention of prostrate cancer and cardiovascular disease. Watermelon has extremely high content of water in it(approximately 92%) so a glass of watermelon is always a refreshing drink. Watermelon also helps in hydrating your body and cools down the heat in the summer as it is the thirst-quenching fruit.

Researchers say that one cup of diced watermelon contains loads of Vitamin A and C, no fat and only 40 calories, the fruit is a winner in the health category. Naturally it is packed with lycopene, an antioxidant which may aid in the prevention of prostrate cancer and cardiovascular disease. Watermelon has extremely high content of water in it(approximately 92%) so a glass of watermelon is always a refreshing drink. Watermelon also helps in hydrating your body and cools down the heat in the summer as it is the thirst-quenching fruit.
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