People would have heard of a groom arriving in a car or a horse or even a chariot on the day of wedding, but this incident is quite different and amazing.Mr.Mishra a 32yr old person, a sky diving instructor of Indian Air force had a different plan to surprise the bride. On july 13th Sishir Mishra jumped from a height 0f 7000 ft into a tiny play ground in the middle of Bhuvaneshwar before proceeding to the marriage hall.There were many people who were curious to see the great event when it took place. The person is already a Limca record holder for the free fall from 15000 feet on Independence day in 2004.The person has been doing this activity for many years.He says that he has been doing this kind of jumping for the past 12 years..His guts and bravery definitely deserve more records like Limca records.
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