Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Foxes have started with "Theft" !!!

Theft was done all these days by humans from other people,But now the animals have started with the theft of possessions of humans.In Switzerland a fox snatched a hand bag from a woman and ran off. The woman was working on a piece of land near the city of Bale when she saw the fox running with her hand bag in its mouth.This kind of a theft would be totally not anticipated by the lady.A person there tried to chase the fox but gave up his chase as the fox was too fast for him.The hand bag had a wallet and house keys.The police then found the lady's hand bag about 50 meters from the place.The fox just dropped the hand bag as it was too bulky for it to hold in its mouth.The fox was not arrested for its act of theft.The animals have started to steal even hand bags and purses nowadays.This incident is quite strange.

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