If you plan to enjoy your weekend with drinks(alcohol)then never plan for a drive.Such a decision to drive after consuming alcohol can be harmful and dangerous to yourself and others who travel in the road.The alcohol is said to reach your sub-conscious mind in few minutes after consumption and hence you lose your stability.Some people hardly are able to talk properly after consumption of alcohol then how can they control a vehicle??.Drunken driving has resulted in many accidents and also many cases of deaths of innocent people who are hit by the vehicle.
The person if caught for drinking and driving can be sent to jail based on a case filed on him.This is applicable for everyone.Even a princess is not safe with a drunk driver(Princess Diana).Just Click the first image to see how it illustrates the effect of alcohol consumption.This activity is quite common among the youngsters.Just think before you drink, if not before you drive if you have consumed alcohol.

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