Sleeping is a part of human's day to day life.Most people say that when you sleep more you become sluggish and develop lethargy,but the minimum hours of sleep required must not be compromised.The National Sleep Foundation(NSF) says about the importance of sleep and the disorders associated with it.If you have lack of sleep then you got to be ready for problems.As the NSF says lack of sleep in the night can cause sleepiness in the morning and so can interfere with the work routine.
The accidents can have their cause in the lack of sleep of driving people.Falling asleep while driving has resulted in about 100,000 crashes and 70,000 injuries in United States as stated by National Highway Safety Administration(NHSF).Many people must realize that sleep is not a waste of time and is very much essential.Sleep provides rest and rejuvenation for our mind and body ,the absence of which leads to poor productivity and drowsy day ahead of us.Sleep well Think better.

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