The world is changing. One of the biggest issues debated all over the world is about 'Environment and Globalization'. Do you know that we humans have affected the climate system over the past 8000 years? What have we done to our precious environment? Everyday people suffer a lot because of pollution. It is this pollution which has led to a great extent to Global Warming. We are the ultimate source of this global warming because only we pollute the environment. Now a days, there is a big controversy going on about this issue.
Do you think that by just creating an awareness among the people is enough to protect our world from getting polluted. No, it's not enough because even though we are aware of all those things happening around the world, we don't take any steps to save our world from adverse consequences. Are you the one who is really concerned about the Environment? Then, why do we need to wait? It's high time we join hands with one another and try to save our mother planet to preserve atmospheric balance.
Last but not the least, thought to ponder:-"Do not think of your luxuries and comforts which gives pleasure to you at the cost of the environment. Think of the future of EARTH to preserve creation".
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